“Do Not Delete Fortnite” Says Epic Games iOS Users

Are you one of the Epic Games iOS users? Are you a fan of the Epic Games crown jewel, Fortnite? Are you an Apple device user? If the answer is ‘YES’ to all of those questions, you better keep reading or it might be the last time your play Fortnite on and Apple device.


Epic Games is warning iOS device users that they SHOULD NOT delete the game Fortnite when and if they update to iOS 14. Fortnite iOS users could be in big trouble if you update your system without continuing this article.


Warning to Epic Games iOS Users

Epic Games iOS users need to tread carefully if you want to play the game on your Apple device in the future. You will no longer be able to install the app after you make the iOS14 update unless you follow some important instructions. The warnings came directly from Epic Games on Wednesday via Twitter.

When you make the new iOS 14 updates, Apple automatically asks if a user wants to temporally delete apps if you do not have enough space for the update. BE CAREFUL! If you say yes, you could unknowingly remove Fortnite from your system. And you will not be able to reinstall again with Apple because the app is not available anymore.


Epic Games iOS Users Accidently Deleting Fortnite

Fortnite can no longer be downloaded from the App Store. It will be impossible to reinstall afterward, so don’t do it if you want to continue playing Fortnite on iOS.

Epic Games iOS Users warned Fortnite Won't be available

Epic Games users on iOS will not be able to download Fortnite from the app store

For the past week, the new iOS 14 update has been available. And many Epic Games iOS users have unknowingly deleted the game and are now unable to play Fortnite. It’s been a real shock to the system for some iOS users. This incompatibility is why Apple sometimes gets a bad reputation with online gamers and users.


Reasons Apple Removed Fortnite App in August

Apple didn’t remove the Fortnite app from its store for technical reasons. It’s purely a business and ethical decision by the phone giants. But it’s causing issues for Fortnite iOS users who love Fortnite.

The new is that Apple already removed the app back in Auguste due to an issue they had with Epic Games and their business practices. Epic Games allegedly tried to bypass the Apple payment system via its store to cut Apple out of the equation. Apple charges up to 30% commission on purchases in its digital store. And basically, Epic Games disagrees with Apple’s payment practices. Fortnite is generally free across all platforms. They make money by selling skins and other products directly in the game.


It sounds like Apple are putting their greed before the needs of their Fortnite Epic Games iOS users. It’s not uncommon for multinational companies not to care about their customers. Maybe this is why so many people are now choosing the like of Huawei over Apple and other tech giants.