Google Year in Search 2017 Winners
Google Year in Search 2017 is a remarkable list of favourite searches which capture our interest. Read about the topics that are trending or raised concerns the most in 2017.
On a global and tech scale most popular searches are Hurricane Irma, iPhone 8 and iPhone X. Nintendo Switch, Samsung Galaxy S8 and XBox One X are frequent Google searches.
The most favourite people and actors list names, such as Suits actress Meghan Markle who will marry with Prince Harry on 19 May 2018. Other famous figures are Nadia Toffa, Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey for apparent reasons.
Global News that empowered searches are again Hurricane Irma, Bitcoin, Las Vegas shooting. North Korea is a concern for most, and the Solar Eclipse defines our search for existence. Local Thailand concerns are low income and positive inspiration absorbing the Dhammakaya temple news.
Global Sporting events also energise 2017 with Wimbledon as prominent winner followed by Super Bowl, Mayweather vs McGregor fight, Tour de France and the World Series.
We asked a lot how to in 2017 and how to make slime is the slippery winner. The solar eclipse raised health concerns for how to make solar eclipse glasses. Bitcoin is one of these searches that loves us to unravel the mystery surrounding the question How to buy Bitcoin? Thailand people searched on how to make flowers, how to make cold crepes and how to tie?
The highest search for movies is for IT a nightmare movie surrounding seven kids. Favorite search followers in the Top 5 Search for films are Wonder Woman, Beauty and The Beast, Logan and Justice League. Fast 8 and Transformers 5 searched well in Thailand.
Google Year in Search Which We Love To Death
Our thirst for music hasn’t declined since 2017. Rising popularities for digital music streaming services such as Spotify and Yoox has let us search for Ariana Grande as the most popular artist within her shadow, bands like Linkin Park, Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey and Ed Sheeran. Sheeran recently has received a Royal ribbon in 2017. Thai people loved to listen to Tom Room 39 remix from Ed Sheeran Shape Of You.
The winning song around the world we loved to death was Despacito, but Shape of You, Perfect, Look What You Made Me Do, and Havana are topping the global top 5 of Google’s list of searches except for Thailand where Thai songs are on the list.
Though traditional TV channels have seen their revenues declining in 2017, TV shows remain a big favourite in search and to watch these series online. Thailand fell in love with the Mask Singer, a popular talent show series where Thai singing talent carries a mask. Durian mask was one favourite search word.
Stranger Things is the absolute winner in 2017, but 13 Reasons Why, Big Brother Brasil, Game of Thrones and Iron First didn’t do wrong either.
Thailand searched for food. The delicious Korean icecream Bingsu can be found on the list of searches. Noodle, Papaya salad, sushi and shabu are absolute tastemakers in 2017. Shopping favourites are AIS, True and Line Stickers has won the search momentum.
Surprisingly is that most global searches do not even appear in Thailand year in search 2017